Saturday, November 10, 2007

Oz all over

2 and a half months over with in Oz. Thoughts? I liked it. I didn't love it. I didn't hate it. It's a wonderful and yet frustrating country. Amazing stuff, annoying stuff. The nature and the country itself is outstanding. The people not always so, but I suppose that's the way in England too. A guy from Melbourne said to us on a campsite once that the quality of life is much better. I think that's something they like telling themselves, and us, to make them feel better about living there. The quality of life isn't far greater. The climate is better than Blighty but then again so is the climate in Spain. But they have heavy water restrictions, booze is expensive, public transport is appaling and in summer if often gets soo hot you can't leave the house or air conditioned office. No wonder Australia has the highest skin cancer rate in the world.
We seemed to get a lot of 'Isn't Australia wonderful?' and I'd just say 'Yeah, it's alright'. The man-made stuff is generally rubbish bar Sydney and Melbourne. The beaches are enormous, beautiful and not very crowded on the whole. There are animals everywhere you go, which can make things interesting. But Aboriginies are largely ignored and put into the shadows. We didn't see one on the East coast. Very odd.
There's an advert by the national tourism of Australia board that says 'Where the bloody well are ya?'. Meaning why aren't you in Australia. I reply 'I'm somewhere better'. And that's it. But saying that I'd still go back.
The Great Ocean was a major highlight, as was Uluru, and I think going more North than Brisbane and seeing the islands and the barrier reef would be stunning too. Well, that's how it looks in the photos.
But Australia doesn't quite live up to the hype and I don't completely know why.

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