Hong Kong. We arrived following a 20 hour train ride through Chinese countryside. Luckily for us the 4 bed sleeper compartment wasn't full so again we had the privilege of it all to ourselves.
As it turns out Hong Kong is still separate from China. Even though it was handed back to the Chinese from British rule 10 years ago. We had to show our passports upon boarding the train and had to get on board the 'international' train platform to leave. It was a mad rush to the station too and we only just made the train by a minute or so.
Upon arriving in Hong Kong we weren't that impressed. Jumbled over advertised streets packed full of the same old stuff that China had. I think I was tired and that didn't help. The place is a lot more mixed in terms of population though, a definite sign of the former British colony. There are plenty of Indians, Pakistanis and Africans here that you just don't see in China. The whole relationship with China is still odd. Everywhere you go there is mention of the 10 year celebration of rejoining China but in China they didn't seem to care. Hong Kong was separate and that was that. They also have separate currency to the rest of China, even though it works out at almost exactly the same conversion rate against the pound.
The major benefit of us being here during the celebrations though is that every night at the harbour there's a huge musical display. All the buildings on the gorgeous harbour light up in time with music and shoot fireworks and green lasers from their roofs. Not a bad 20 minute show for free.
The other major changes I started to notice were that people were doing exercise for the sake of doing exercise. Jogging, playing football(not once in China did we even see a pitch for any sport), running and swimming. There was much more of a general happiness of being here.
Over the next few days we began to really like Hong Kong. There is much more English spoken, so that helps, and the place itself is quite diverse. Hong Kong is a collection of islands, and beautiful ones at that. So this finally gave us the chance for some escapism from the city and down onto a beach. There are many beaches so we chose one of the more popular ones with the best name.....Repulse Bay. There is nothing repulsive about it so why that name was chosen I have no idea. There are many British influences in street names here and some don't seem to work out as well as others. The main shopping road is Nathan Road. There's also a Prince Edward square. But one of the main eating districts is called Mong Kok. Make of that what you will.
One of the greatest reliefs of being here was the fact that getting harassed to buy goods on the street is illegal here and punishable by a hefty fine. It doesn't totally stop it but it's a lot easier walking down the street here than in Shanghai.
There are also more beggars. Definitely the worst example of this was one day on the underground. A woman was going from carriage to carriage dragging her heavily burnt son, of about 10 years of age, around who could hardly walk. Obviously she stayed at us the longest. There are varying opinions on giving money to beggars and obviously being me I chose the not giving as the best option. Besides, it tricky to decide what to give, who's more deserving, is the money going to make a difference, do I give more to a beggar with one had than a beggar that has severe burns? The list goes on.
The day at the beach was great though and it gave our first real chance to get away from the city.
The next day, or previous I forget, we visited Lantau Island. It's a large national park area. We went to see, wait for it, the largest outdoor bronze constructed Buddha in the world. It was pretty amazing as it turns out. You could see it for miles sat upon one of the many lush green hills shrouded in fast moving mist. It was incredibly peaceful too and another great relief from the city. Hong Kong was getting better.
After seeing the city skyline from one side of the water we decided to walk across to the main city area to see the huge menacing buildings close up. Some of them, especially with the brooding overhang of cloud, looked like something out of Ghostbusters.
In the city area the main shops are located and this is where Hong Kong sets itself far apart from even Shanghai. There is serious money here and some serious shopping gets done. But we can't afford to shop so basic needs is mainly what we look for. Food in Soho it is then. I was getting quite cocky by this point about avoiding what could be some dodgy meat based products. It had to come to an end before leaving China for proper though. Choosing a set menu in a restaurant sounded like a good idea until the soup of the day arrived. Snake head soup. Now I thought I could stomach it, and for the most part I thought it tasted really good, but why they had to leave the huge snake's skull in the dish I had no idea!!
In time I think I'd go back to Hong Kong. Not too good for real authentic culture, the museum was incredibly dull, but a great place to eat and drink as well as a bit of beach action. If you like shopping it's also good and pretty cheap too. There are plenty of fake goods though but some of the guy are quite honest about it, "Rolex sir? It's a genuine fake."
So that's China, sort of, and we ain't going back. I'm relieved in a way but glad we came and saw all the things we have (if you think this is long you should read my diary!) but whether I'd recommend anyone to come on holiday here I don't quite know.
Waving goodbye from the plane and probably the best situated airport in the world was a good feeling.
Next stop Tokyo, Japan!

Hong Kong at night. I think this is the Bank of China building.
The biggest outdoor, bronze buddha statue in the world. Phew!
Repulse Bay. See, nothing repulsive about it.
Sounds like your having an amazing yet eye opening time. Hope you continue to do so. I won't depress you by telling you about everything that hasn't happend back home. It would just make you want travel for another year.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Big Jim
I'd didn't manage to get that Thai bride for you...I could make out whether they were men or women!
Having problems, posting a comment so if this goes on a few times sorry.
Love hearing about your escapades and the interesting people you are meeting.
Maybe you should think about writing a column in a magazine. 'Travels with Gav'. I'm sure Pete would sort it for you.
Take Care
Love Chris x
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